
Home Exercises That Leave You Without Excuses

If you’ve been a couch potato for years, anything that requires getting dressed, putting on shoes, and going out of the house can be a tiresome chore. This includes going to the gym for much needed physical exercise.

Well, today’s the day we put an end to all that and get you started on your fitness resolutions this year. Here are exercises you can do right in the comfort of your own home. No expensive membership fees. No gym outfits to worry about. No excuses.


1.     Push-Ups

Push-ups or press-ups are among the best home exercises you can do. They require no equipment and can be adapted to suit any fitness level. Beginners can start with their hands at table level then slowly work their way to the floor. Push-ups are also a great way to work on multiple muscle groups using your own weight as resistance. This type of exercise strengthens shoulder joints, firms chest muscles, tones triceps, and stabilizes your core.


2.     Squats

Need to tone your thighs and glutes? Do some squats. These lower body exercises can even be done while you’re emptying the dishwasher. Instead of just bending down, squat each time you take an item from the dishwasher. Run a full load and get several squats done for a complete workout. Want more challenge? Grab a pair of dumbbells instead to add some resistance.

3.     Planks

We’re not talking about the planks that became a craze a decade ago. You’d hardly get any workout lying straight down with your face flat on the floor. We’re talking about planking exercises. Lie facing down, then push your body up, leaving just your toes and forearms touching the ground. Hold the position as long as you can to strengthen your core muscles. Got little kids running around? Make your planks more intense by letting them crawl safely on top of you or under you.

4.     The Dead Bug

This exercise is more than just pretending to be a dead bug with your back on the floor and your legs up in the air. It’s a pretty easy way to strengthen your core without straining your back and other muscles. You may look like a dying bug on its last bit of life, but you’re bound to end up with six-pack abs and improved core strength if you do this exercise regularly and properly.

5.     Shadow Boxing

Had a bad day at work? Take a fighting stance and shadow box at home to release stress and get a cardio workout. Shadow boxing not only increases cardio strength but also helps tone the legs and the arms. Alternate between low- and high-intensity punching for a more effective workout. Not sure how to do this properly? There are tons of videos online that can guide you.

Don’t Forget Proper Techniques

While these exercises can all be easily done at home, you must make sure that you learn proper techniques first. Consult a fitness trainer or check reliable websites to learn techniques for a more effective home workout. Remember, it’s not about how long or how frequently you do each exercise but how well you execute each step.

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